Joëlle Ruelle: “Community means learning”

February 19, 2019

Joelle Ruelle

Joelle, please help me to solve a mystery: are you more of an IT pro or a dev one? Because I’ve seen you speaking about devops, about auditing and about migration with equal passion and competence.

I consider myself to be someone who’s dev and business, so, for me, the question is more: are you dev or business?

But whatever the options are, do we really have to choose? There are a lot of exciting domain topics and I don’t want to choose one and miss something in another!

I love developing because there are always new challenges and new parameters to think about… It twists my brain and I like it.

When I started in computer science, I wanted to be a dev and only a dev; I didn’t want to do IT pro or some functional or business tasks, but after a few years in front of my computer with all my lines of code, I needed more. I missed the human contact that I didn’t find in dev so I moved to support, coaching and training on different topics such as Office 365 services and tools, while continuing to code sometimes.   

So I don’t know if I can help you solve a mystery that I can’t (and don’t want to) solve myself! ?

What are Gilles and you going to speak about at your Collabsummit session?

Gilles and I are going to talk about how to move to Office 365 as smoothly as possible, both for users and for IT pros. We’ll share our experiences, tips and tricks for arriving safely at your Office 365 destination. We’ll also show you how to automate certain tasks such as onboarding users and auditing your tenant to know how healthy your migration is.

Above all, this community means learning: every time I meet someone from this community or go to an event linked to it, I learn a lot of things, not only about Office 365 and SharePoint but also about human beings.

Collabsummit is a community-based conference. What does this global Office 365, SharePoint and collaboration community mean to you?

Above all, this community means learning: every time I meet someone from this community or go to an event linked to it, I learn a lot of things, not only about Office 365 and SharePoint but also about human beings. And I won’t hide the fact that this community also means lots of fun and partying, because people aren’t only colleagues, they also become friends and we don’t spend all our time talking about computer science.

So, if I have to summarise, to me, this community means fun and learning on lots of different topics with friendly people!

If you had to select one thing to tell Microsoft to ‘Go fix it!’, what would it be?

Rename the channels in Microsoft Teams! I know it’s not the most important thing but I work with teams and synchronised documents every day and I’m tired of not finding myself between the names of my channels and my SharePoint folders.

So, what’s Joelle doing when she’s not doing SharePoint or being active in the community?

I don’t like to spend time in front of my computer when my working day is over; I like to go outside, enjoy the sun and do some yoga, climb or run. I also love spending time with my friends and family. I know it’s classic, but it’s the most important thing for me. And last but not least, I enjoy travelling, discovering new countries and cultures and meeting new people.

Collaboration means two-way communication!

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