Laura Kokkarinen: “Good code is easily readable”

February 19, 2019

Laura: C# or JavaScript – and why?

What a strange question! Both have their uses. JavaScript is for client-side; C# is for server-side. Of course, you can use JavaScript on server-side, too, if you use Node.js. But if you’re asking for my personal preference, it’s C#. I tend to enjoy creating things like integrations more than building graphical user interfaces. Sure, I implement user interfaces quite often as well, but usually I can build them with SharePoint Framework, which is smooth sailing compared to creating web applications hosted on Azure from scratch. I also like the fact that C# is more strongly typed and strict than regular JavaScript. TypeScript is, of course, another story.

The world of SharePoint development has changed almost completely in just a few years: we’ve seldom seen such a radical platform change happen so fast. What were your experiences? How did you see those changes?

Moving from SharePoint on-prem development to SharePoint Online development was indeed a huge change. For example, if we think about web parts, you’d have a file for the user interface and then another file for the backend code. These days, with the SharePoint Framework model, you only have the client-side code, and if you want to do anything on the backend, you need to set up your server-side code separately in Azure and call it from the web part. As a traditional SharePoint developer, you might think at first that this is a lot of hassle, but I think it’s a better model in the long run, because it automatically makes your solution a lot more modular.

Another thing that’s changed with the modern sites is that you can’t create things like master pages and page layouts anymore. These days, you have more controlled options for customising the page layout, which encourages people to work with the out-of-the-box features first, getting as far as possible that way, and then only after that to evaluate whether a feature is so important that it merits being implemented as a custom SharePoint Framework extension. I think this is good because it reduces both the implementation and the maintenance costs for the customer.

Why is SharePoint Framework good? Or are you still using other deployment techniques for SharePoint Online?

I’ve never used the SharePoint add-in model. I only started working with SharePoint Online in 2017 so I went straight for SharePoint Framework. SharePoint Framework is good because a lot of important things are already done for you. For example, you never have to think about implicit authentication. The SPFx solutions are also responsive and look very pretty by default because they automatically get the SharePoint look and feel. In general, they are very easy to get into. Getting things up and running for the first time can feel a bit intimidating, but there is a good tutorial for that and once you’ve built your first SPFx solution, you know the drill and creating new ones goes a lot faster after that. SPFx web parts also work on both classic and modern sites, so if your customers are still on classic sites but are planning on moving to modern sites at some point, you won’t lose any work. Using SPFx web parts also brings more control than allowing users to inject JavaScript on pages.

Good code is easily readable and maintainable by people other than the person who originally wrote it. Keep it as modular as possible and have unified naming conventions. Don’t write code for yourself; write it for a future junior developer who will one day come and maintain your solution, because hopefully by then you’ll have moved on to something else.

What is good code?

Good code is easily readable and maintainable by people other than the person who originally wrote it. Keep it as modular as possible and have unified naming conventions. Don’t write code for yourself; write it for a future junior developer who will one day come and maintain your solution, because hopefully by then you’ll have moved on to something else. I know a lot of people say ‘Code documents itself’ but if you have a complex scenario and can save a lot of someone else’s time by writing that tiny little comment, just do it. Good code is also optimised from an execution point of view, so users don’t have to wait longer than is necessary. However, quite often you need to find a balance between optimal execution time, readability and how much time you can spend writing that piece of code. Optimise code where it matters. The implementation should also match the requirements and be secure. And, of course, the code should also be bug-free – though you never know if your code has bugs or not until you find one.

Why are there so many good SharePoint developers in Finland? Is it the climate?

Hah, yes, definitely! We don’t have anything better to do during those long, cold winter nights than go home and do some proper SharePoint on-prem development, preferably on an old MOSS farm. But, honestly, I don’t know. Are there? I haven’t seen any statistics. Let’s say you’re right and speculate. Finland seems to be a little bit ahead compared to many other countries when it comes to adapting new technologies, so we might be able to accumulate more knowledge earlier on. Having only 5.5 million people, our IT circles are quite small, so everyone pretty much knows each other – and we’re not afraid to say ‘I don’t know’, to make mistakes (as long as we learn from them) and ask for help. We share our knowledge, learn from each other and become better together. And a bit of Finnish ‘sisu’ sometimes comes in handy when troubleshooting SharePoint issues. ?

Collaboration means two-way communication!

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